
After wandering around Onyx for a long time not knowing where the bosses would spawn, I decided to create my own map. At the time this project started, there were only two *cough*crappy*cough* maps out there. If you scroll down to the link section, you'll see that two other people felt the same way as me and started their own mapping projects of The Onyx Chambers.

The special thing about this map is that you can click on a boss spot on the map and get info about what loot that specific boss drops.

Hope you like this map, and feel free to post some feedback at the forums.

Donations can be sent to Kentarii if you play on the EN Fury PVP server ;o)

Please do not duplicate or re-post this map anywhere else on the web.
I do not want outdated versions of this map floating around various forums which never get updated.
A link to this page however is very much appreciated.

Item search


Green outline: Lizards, Grey outline: Undead, Blue outline: Black Ring

Label on left side of spot: Common boss, Label on right side of spot: Rare boss

Rare bosses have placeholders, so you have to kill the normal mobs/bosses before the rare one spawns.

Loot in bold means it has been confirmed by me.



Map of The Onyx Chambers A - <b>Farseer</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Exaltate's Helm</b> [Priest of Mitra]<br/><b>Servatus</b> [Priest of Mitra/Tempest of Set] (Shield) B - <b>Skull Splitter</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Wildstrider Helm</b> [Ranger]<br/><b>Battleblessed Opus</b> [Priest of Mitra] (Talisman) C - <b>Cait</b> (79) [NPC] D - <b>Undying Scion</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseer's Tasset</b> [Herald of Xotli]<br/><b>Steelspirit Vambraces</b> [Guardian] E - <b>Wenric Gorm</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseraph's Girdle</b> [Dark Templar]<br/><b>Goremonger's Gauntlets</b> [Barbarian] F - <b>Belshah</b> (81) [NPC] G - <b>Shulit</b> (81) [NPC] H - <b>Kesh</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/>Bloodseer's Gloves [Herald of Xotli]<br/><b>Nihilistic Cowl</b> [Necromancer] I - <b>Neftummon</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Skyshear Gauntlets</b> [Tempest of Set]<br/><b>Lamentatus</b> [Herald of Xotli] (Two-Handed Edged) J - <b>Nefru</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/>Widowdusk Hood [Assassin]<br/><b>Oxleg</b> [Bear Shaman] (Two-Handed Blunt) K - <b>Black Ring Bane Master</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Steelspirit Armguards</b> [Guardian]<br/><b>Shadow's Bane</b> [Priest of Mitra] (Staff) L - <b>Black Ring Bane Master</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/>Steelspirit Armguards [Guardian]<br/><b>Shadow's Bane</b> [Priest of Mitra] (Staff) M - <b>Black Ring Bane Master</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Steelspirit Armguards</b> [Guardian]<br/><b>Shadow's Bane</b> [Priest of Mitra] (Staff) N - <b>Black Ring Bane Master</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Steelspirit Armguards</b> [Guardian]<br/><b>Shadow's Bane</b> [Priest of Mitra] (Staff) O - <b>Black Ring Slave Mistress</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseer's Cowl</b> [Herald of Xotli]<br/><b>Warglory Vambraces</b> [Conqueror] P - <b>Black Ring Slave Mistress</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseer's Cowl</b> [Herald of Xotli]<br/>Warglory Vambraces [Conqueror] Q - <b>Black Ring Slave Mistress</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseer's Cowl</b> [Herald of Xotli]<br/><b>Warglory Vambraces</b> [Conqueror] R - <b>Black Ring Slave Mistress</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseer's Cowl</b> [Herald of Xotli]<br/>Warglory Vambraces [Conqueror] BR1 - <b>Issa the Heartless</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/>Warglory Chestguard [Conqueror]<br/><b>Widowdusk Tunic</b> [Assassin]<br/><b>Tectus</b> (Shield) BR2 - <b>Akhita the Reveler</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseraph's Legguards</b> [Dark Templar]<br/><b>Widowdusk Belt</b> [Assassin]<br/><b>Fractalus</b> [Tempest of Set] (Polearm) BR3 - <b>Nefer-Tali the Terror</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/>Bloodseraph's Boots [Dark Templar]<br/><b>Steelspirit Helm</b> [Guardian]<br/><b>Skyfire</b> (Staff) BR4 - <b>Phartaris the Wrath</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/>Goremonger's Girdle [Barbarian]<br/>Steelspirit Gauntlets [Guardian]<br/>Warglory Girdle [Conqueror] BR5 - <b>Jaleel the Scirocco</b> (82) [Boss]<hr/>Bloodseer's Sash [Herald of Xotli]<br/>Wildstrider Girdle [Ranger]<br/><b>Grimward</b> [Priest of Mitra/Tempest of Set] (Shield) BR6 - <b>Atum-Teti the Storm</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Exaltate's Armbands</b> [Priest of Mitra]<br/><b>Nihilistic Armbands</b> [Necromancer]<br/><b>Soulrender's Mark</b> [Necromancer] (Talisman) U11 - <b>Crypt Invader</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Goremonger's Leggings</b> [Barbarian]<br/><b>Steelspirit Legguards</b> [Guardian] U1 - <b>Akhitut the Immolated</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Blacksulphur Armbands</b> [Demonologist]<br/><b>Steelspirit Girdle</b> [Guardian]<br/><b>Agilis</b> [Assassin] (Dagger) U2 - <b>Vahaban the Disemboweled</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Goremonger's Helm</b> [Barbarian]<br/>Widowdusk Arm-straps [Assassin]<br/><b>Accensus</b> [Barbarian/Conqueror] (Two-Handed Edged) U3 - <b>Sadiq the Ancient</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Blacksulphur Gloves</b> [Demonologist]<br/><b>Goremonger's Harness</b> [Barbarian]<br/><b>Warglory Helm</b> [Conqueror] U4 - <b>Talimes the Rotten</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/>Nihilistic Sash [Necromancer]<br/>Skyshear Girdle [Tempest of Set]<br/><b>Warglory Legguards</b> [Conqueror]<br/><b>Widowdusk Mitts</b> [Assassin] U5 - <b>Saadeth the Sacrificed</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Blacksulphur Wristbands</b> [Demonologist]<br/><b>Bloodseer's Boots</b> [Herald of Xotli]<br/><b>Exaltate's Girdle</b> [Priest of Mitra] U6 - <b>Seti-Anok the Flayed</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Blacksulphur Sash</b> [Demonologist]<br/>Strifescar Boots [Bear Shaman]<br/><b>Custoditus</b> [Priest of Mitra/Tempest of Set] (Shield) U7 - <b>Mekhtep the Scourged</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseraph's Armguards</b> [Dark Templar]<br/><b>Skyshear Jerkin</b> [Tempest of Set]<br/>Wolfsbane [Ranger] (Crossbow) U8 - <b>Nur-Hotep the Slaughtered</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/><b>Exaltate's Gloves</b> [Priest of Mitra]<br/>Warglory Boots [Conqueror]<br/><b>Windfury</b> [Tempest of Set] (One-Handed Blunt) U9 - <b>Suthotun the Strangled</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/>Blacksulphur Circlet [Demonologist]<br/>Goremonger Jerkin [Barbarian]<br/><b>Nihilistic Sash</b> [Necromancer]<br/><b>Strifescar Harness</b> [Bear Shaman] U10 - <b>Kamu-Hoten the Stoned</b> (81) [Boss]<hr/>Nihilistic Wristbands [Necromancer]<br/><b>Wildstrider Armbands</b> [Ranger]<br/>Blackshard (Dagger) L1 - <b>Redtooth</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Skyshear Bracers</b> [Tempest of Set]<br/><b>Blackfang</b> [Necromancer] (Dagger) L2 - <b>Blackroar</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Wildstrider Tasset</b> [Ranger]<br/><b>Boneshard</b> [Demonologist] (Dagger) L3 - <b>Tormentor</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Blacksulphur Pants</b> [Demonologist]<br/><b>Bloodseraph's Helm</b> [Dark Templar]<br/><b>Farspire</b> [Ranger] (Bow) L4 - <b>Wrathclaw</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Exaltate's Bracers</b> [Priest of Mitra]<br/>Skyshear Armbands [Tempest of Set]<br/><b>Bonebiter</b> (One-Handed Edged) L5 - <b>Harrowmane</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Strifescar Bracers</b> [Bear Shaman]<br/><b>Warhaven</b> (Shield) L6 - <b>Crushgore</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Warglory Gauntlets</b> [Conqueror]<br/><b>Acutus</b> (One-Handed Edged) L7 - <b>Grudgemaul</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Nihilistic Gloves</b> [Necromancer]<br/><b>Wildstrider Boots</b> [Ranger] L8 - <b>Ripjaw</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Skyshear Helm</b> [Tempest of Set]<br/><b>Steelfate</b> [Guardian/Dark Templar] (One-Handed Edged) L9 - <b>Tramplerage</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Wildstrider Gauntlets</b> [Ranger]<br/><b>Redspray</b> [Barbarian/Conqueror] (Two-Handed Edged) L10 - <b>Grinder</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Steelspirit Boots</b> [Guardian]<br/><b>Widowdusk Fauld</b> [Assassin] L11 - <b>Wreckbone</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Bloodseer's Bracers</b> [Herald of Xotli]<br/>Bloodseraph's Vambraces [Dark Templar]<br/><b>Astrum</b> [Priest of Mitra] (One-Handed Blunt) L12 - <b>Razorgrin</b> (80) [Boss]<hr/><b>Goremonger's Bracers</b> [Barbarian]<br/><b>Skyshear Boots</b> [Tempest of Set]

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Thanks in advance!! Kentarii

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