I'm afraid there's no simple way to input stuff from the ingame chat system into systems running behind Bebot.
Since everything is chat-based, you have to issue commands to specific triggers which is made available by the different modules Bebot-owners decide to install.
Bebot by itself does not have an item database, the item database is provided by Getrix and is accessed through the item module.
The armory does not have any Bebot module and I have not written any API for adding/updating the armory.
There is also no way to automagically add the attributes for an item (now that YG is gone) and it's very error-prone to let users try to enter the location of an item through the chat interface.
The chat server also sometimes cuts long chatlines so that you can't link more than x number of items.
If there were a simpler way of adding items, I think I would have done it in the first place
You still have the option to become a contributor though...
Ps. please remember that I don't play this game anymore, so the contents on this site is currently maintained by volunteers who still play the game. I "just" provide the website as is with the functionality which was developed when I was still playing.